Save Money With How To Video Production

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An easy to implement strategy for your business to save money is with How-To video production. Any time consuming task should be automated like long explanations. If there’s a task that needs to be done on a repeated basis, then it’s time for you to automate the process and let video handle it. Related: 3...

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Why Video Marketing Should Lead Your Content Strategy

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Everyone watches video! Well okay, not everyone. Only 85% of all internet users watch videos in the United States. The other 15% are trying to get their VCR to stop blinking 12:00. This is why it should be obvious to marketers and businesses that video marketing should lead your content strategy. It’s great to say video...

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New Norm With Video Production Companies in Los Angeles

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What is the new norm for working with video production companies in Los Angeles? Well, it depends upon the type of production. Movie and TV productions still are shut down. Small media productions, my focus in this post, are possible. From the beginning newspapers, magazines, television, radio, podcasts and other media services have been deemed...

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Aliens and Selfie Addiction on Amazon Prime Video

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Two short film written and directed by Greg McDonald of video production company Gate5 in Los Angeles are now available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.  If you’re into aliens and selfie addiction, you’ll want to fire up the popcorn maker, plop down on the sofa ( oh wait, you’re already on the couch because...

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Escape With Fashion Film Production

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We all could use an escape right? Even though the lock down due to the Coronavirus pandemic is starting to lift and businesses are starting to open up, it will still be awhile before everything is back up and running. What better way to escape than with fashion film production? After Party at the La...

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Los Angeles Video Production Shut Down: Finish Your Writing Project

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Are you making the best use of your time during the video production shut down? I think I am but I can’t shake the feeling I should be doing more. When all the time in the world suddenly becomes available to you, you should be accomplishing a million things, right? If you don’t, you must...

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Increase Sales with Ecommerce Product Videos

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If you’re looking for the quickest way to increase sales, adding ecommerce product videos to your product pages could be the the best investment you could make. I take that back – not “could be” – it will be. 96% of customers find video useful when making purchases online. And a whopping 81% have been...

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Stay Connected With Live Video Streaming Production

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There’s a lot of anxiety and stress during such a challenging time as we’re going through now. Many companies have had to temporarily shut down and the ones that are still open, have most employees working from home. How do you stay connected and motivated in this time of remote workers and physical distancing? One very...

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Producing Tutorial Videos With a Video Production Company

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Tutorial videos are big. You see them everywhere: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin and of course on company websites. If your company sells a product or offers a service that needs any amount of instruction to clarify how it will solve the viewer’s problem, then you should be producing tutorial videos with a video production company....

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Why You Need Behind The Scenes Video Production

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There are several reasons why you need behind the scenes video production added to your video marketing strategy. For one thing, it puts a human face on your company. People want to connect to other people, not brands. Humanizing your brand will lead to an increase of brand authenticity. Make it authentic So what is...

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