New Norm With Video Production Companies in Los Angeles

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What is the new norm for working with video production companies in Los Angeles? Well, it depends upon the type of production. Movie and TV productions still are shut down. Small media productions, my focus in this post, are possible. From the beginning newspapers, magazines, television, radio, podcasts and other media services have been deemed...

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Los Angeles Video Production Shut Down: Finish Your Writing Project

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Are you making the best use of your time during the video production shut down? I think I am but I can’t shake the feeling I should be doing more. When all the time in the world suddenly becomes available to you, you should be accomplishing a million things, right? If you don’t, you must...

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Empty Streets During Coronavirus Shut Down

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It’s very strange and eerie seeing empty streets in Hollywood when they’re normally busy at all hours. The economic shut down and ‘stay at home’ order by Los Angeles County and the City due to the Coronavirus pandemic has made new opportunities for street photography like you’ve never seen before – but with limitations. Follow...

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Video Production in Los Angeles: Coronavirus Shut Down

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As brands and companies scrap and postpone projects due to the coronavirus pandemic and “stay at home” order,  what has become of video production in Los Angeles? Well, put simply: it’s non-existent. Which means you need to — Get creative! First of all, I need to say, it’s always annoyed me when someone says, ‘get...

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