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Frame from an episode of the comedy web series, The Man Van, written and directed by Greg McDonald.

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Classic Hollywood

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Classic Hollywood, fashion and beauty by photographer and film director Greg McDonald of Gate5 in Los Angeles.

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Face Time

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Getting a little face time (pun intended) on the fashion and beauty shoot.

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Double Beauty

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Beauty shoot with two beauties in living color!

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Winter Sun Fashion

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Frame from the beauty and fashion shoot at Sunken City beach by photographer and fashion film director Greg McDonald.

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Greetings from Sunken City!

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Landscape photographer Greg McDonald of video production and photography company Gate5 in Los Angeles., shot fashion and beauty at Sunken City, a place where beach front houses on a cliff overlooking the ocean got destroyed in a landslide in the 1920’s. It’s now like an urban apocalypse with it’s ruins, decay and graffiti. I felt a...

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Behind the Scenes – Photo Shoot

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A behind the scenes video we produced for a cosmetic company’s photo shoot.

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Beach Dream

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Frame from the beauty and fashion shoot at Sunken City beach by photographer and fashion film director Greg McDonald.

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Graffiti Dance

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Another frame from the fashion shoot at Sunken City.

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Fashion Beach

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You never can go wrong shooting fashion on the beach it seems. Had to hike a bit to get here but it was worth it. Frame by fashion photographer Greg McDonald.    

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